Thursday, June 17, 2010

Move complete

We officially moved into our new house last weekend. I just have to ask, how the heck did we fit all of this crap into our tiny 800 sq ft house? It is amazing! But, we are here. Unpacking is going much slower than I ever remember in the past (I used to be a frequent mover, just ask my aunt how many pages are dedicated to me in her address book). Unpacking with an infant in the house is a much different experience.

Almost a week after the move, I finally have my kitchen mostly done. The rest of my house leaves something to be desired. Poor Caiden is going to be living in a room of boxes for quite some time I'm afraid.

On another note, keep your eyes peeled for a new exciting review and giveaway for my readers in the coming weeks. I'm super excited!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Simple steps to avoid tragedy

We have all heard a horrific story or two about a parent who forgets their child in the back seat of their vehicle and doesn't realize it until it is too late. I found a great article on which has some very simple steps to make sure this doesn't happen to your family:

• First and foremost, always put your cell phone, purse, or briefcase, and anything else you'll need that day, on the floor of the backseat. When you retrieve it at the end of the ride, you'll notice your child.

• Seat your younger (or quieter) child behind the front passenger seat, where he's most likely to catch your eye. Parks's, Balfour's, and Edwards's babies all were behind the driver's side when they died.

• Keep a teddy bear or other stuffed animal in the car seat when it's empty. When you put your child in the seat, move the animal to the front passenger seat, to remind you that your baby's on board.

• Ask your child's babysitter or daycare provider to always phone you promptly if your child isn't dropped off as scheduled.

• Make a habit of always opening the back door of your car after you park, to check that there's no kid back there.

• Never assume someone else -- a spouse, an older child -- has taken a young kid out of her seat. Such miscommunication has led to more than a few hot-car deaths.

• Invest in a device to help you remember small passengers. The Cars-N-Kids monitor plays a lullabye when the car stops and a child is in the seat ($29.95; The ChildMinder System sounds an alarm if you walk away and leave your child in the seat ($69.95;

• Put visual cues in your office and home. Static-cling decals reminding you to check the car seat are available at and

You can read the full article here.